Free and Low Cost Internet

This map displays public Wifi areas across Santa Cruz County provided by libraries, government agencies and some reputable companies. Please be mindful; if you use these locations the Wifi can accessed by anyone. Please be sure you keep your data secure by not logging into banking (or other security-enhanced) accounts, only accessing website that are known to be valid, and following good practice in minimizing file sharing while on the network.

El siguiente mapa muestra áreas públicas de Wifi en todo el condado de Santa Cruz proporcionadas por bibliotecas, agencias gubernamentales y algunas empresas de renombre. Por favor sea consciente; Si usa estas ubicaciones, cualquiera puede acceder al Wifi. Asegúrese de mantener sus datos seguros al no iniciar sesión en cuentas bancarias (u otras cuentas con seguridad mejorada), solo acceder al sitio web que se sabe que es válido y seguir las buenas prácticas para minimizar el intercambio de archivos mientras está en la red.

Free Home Internet
Everyone On - Internet
Everyone On - Internet

To support students who must now shelter at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we at the Santa Cruz Tech Exchange invite you to join us as we seek to provide computers at 50% off to those who otherwise do not have access to a computer.

K-12 Students in Santa Cruz County who demonstrate evidence of need, will be able to purchase a refurbished desktop computer with a 120 SSD, running either Windows 10, or ChromeOS (via Cloudready) with monitor, webcam, speakers, mouse and keyboard for $150 (normally $375) which can support Zoom conferencing and their schoolwork. Laptops under $400 are also available at 50% off the normal price.