professional development

Level Up with Hybrid Learning
featuring hybrid expert Mike Flynn
Mike Flynn (@MikeFlynn55) is the director of Mathematics Leadership Programs at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts. He is also a distance-learning trainer who has worked with K–12 school districts and higher education faculty around the country on best practices for online instruction. To get a taste of his work you can read one of his latest articles on hybrid learning or watch a video of some of his hybrid tips.
We are thrilled to announce that the Santa Cruz County Office of Education has partnered with guest speaker Mike Flynn to offer a very special professional development series focused on hybrid instruction. The entire series will be held via Zoom and is FREE to all TK-12 Santa Cruz County Educators.
This will be a PD series not to be missed, and we highly encourage you to attend as well as to share this information with your Santa Cruz colleagues!
Session Descriptions:
Launching Equitable & Engaging Hybrid Learning
March 24, 2021 3:00-5:00 pm
Mike Flynn will facilitate Zoom sessions on interactive and engaging online and hybrid learning models. The aim is to help teachers replicate the powerful instructional practices that work in face-to-face sessions for their students while attending classes online or in hybrid settings. The goal of this session is to prepare teachers to create and teach lessons using a blend of video conferencing and web applications that allow for real time collaboration among students. Participants will become familiar with the features needed to run synchronous online/hybrid learning seamlessly. The bulk of the training will involve a deep exploration of how to modify effective instructional methodologies to work in online formats. We will consider challenges and discuss solutions to common problems that may arise during initial online learning sessions (both technical and pedagogical).
Designing and Implementing Engaging Online/Hybrid Learning Opportunities for Students
April 14, 2021 3:00-5:00 pm
Mike Flynn will facilitate Zoom sessions on how to design and develop meaningful learning opportunities for their students. We will explore strategies for:
- Developing lessons and assignments that elevate students’ online learning experiences.
• Creating efficient and meaningful approaches to provide ongoing feedback for students.
• Developing structures and routines to help reduce students’ cognitive limits and cognitive loads so their mental energy is not exhausting trying to navigate online and hybrid learning.
• Designing learning opportunities that build connections among all students in remote and hybrid settings to create a strong community of learners.
Assessing Students in Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning Environments
April 28, 2021 3:00-5:00 pm
This 2-hour session is designed to support teachers in thinking through and developing or modifying assessments for remote and hybrid learning. Topics will include strategies for monitoring student work in real time for formative assessment, ensuring academic integrity, developing multiple measures of student learning, creating rubrics that encourage more student participation, and addressing challenges that teachers share from their experience.
BONUS: Office Hours
Session 1 Debrief with COE Team members Stephanie Sumarna & Jason Borgen
March 25, 2021 4:00-5:00 pm
Join COE Team Members Stephanie Sumarna & Jason Borgen for an informal Q&A to discuss topics from the first session.
Mike Flynn visits EdTech Tuesdays Office Hours
April 13, 2021 3:30-4:30 pm
Mike will meet with teachers in an informal setting to take their questions and help tackle challenges they are facing regarding hybrid instruction.
Stephanie SumarnaDistance Learning ToSAssumarna@santacruzcoe.org